Friday, February 23, 2007

Hi Folks!

Sorry I haven't been posting lately... I have just been VERY busy with work. I know that is no excuse... because many of you wouldn't know what to do without your Big Franky updates (if your screen isn't dripping with sarcasm, than you didn't read the previous statement correctly).

I plan on a better post this weekend, but until then, here is some food for thought:

Romans 8:16 -- For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we are God's children.

You may doubt it at times. You may not feel it at times. You may think you do not deserve it at times. But somewhere deep in your soul there is a voice whispering, "You are my child." When have you heard God whisper your name recently?

Philippians 1:6 -- God began a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.

Sometimes you may feel like a failure. Sometimes you may feel like a flop. But God is not finished with you. He's got great plans for you. Looking back at your life, what progress can you see?

Thursday, February 1, 2007


A buddy of mine sent me this via email last night and I just couldn't believe it! Can you imagine? Sort of depressing... I wonder if they told the author of the manuscript he was reading? Might be time for him to stop writing... ?

Monday, January 29, 2007



well, I started in earnest my preparations for the Level 1 exam for the CFA designation. boy o boy.... am I having second thoughts! everyone keeps telling me what an amazing credential this is to get and how it could potentially change the scope of my entire career. but I am so absolutely regretting signing up for the charter.

For those of you that don't know, the CFA is an extremely difficult credential to obtain (see, it is a 3 year process with each year culminating in a rigorous, 6 hour cumulative exam. The amount of data on these exams is absolutely obnoxious. I looked into the CFP designation, but that credential sort of has the reputation of being the "CFA light" of the industry, as it is substantially easier to get. When I was discussing whether or not I should go for it with one of my bosses (who happens to be one of the partners/owners of the Company that I work for), he asked me: "what does the industry think of CFP's?," I said, "what?", he was like: "a CFP is someone who couldn't get their CFA." (full disclosure... this person is not a CFA charter holder).

It is much more work than I initially anticipated, and I knew it was a lot going into it. I think that once I get more in the groove, it will get better.... but until then, the subject matter is a bit intimidating. I just wish that I would have gotten this over with right after my MBA, so I would be in "school mode" (if there is such a thing). One of the main problems is that a lot of this stuff, I don't use in my current job on a daily basis, subjects like Economics and Quantitative Analysis... I got these subjects waived for my MBA since I took them in undergrad.... so these topics are examples of subject matter that I haven't looked at in 10 to 12 years!

Well, i can look at the positive side of things, last year, the level 1 passing rate improved for the first time in 6 years... it went from a 34% success rate to a 39% passing rate! hip-hip-hooray! i better get cracking!

whenever I think about how I wish that I didn't sign-up for the CFA, I think about a piece of timeless wisdom that my wife's grandmother use to say: "Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see what you end up with!" So true... looks like I can cry and whine all that I want... but it isn't going to change a damn thing! I need the designation, and I have to earn it... so I have a lot of work to do!

As things progress, I will let you know how it goes! Wish me luck!

Thought for the Day...

1 John 4:18 -- Perfect love expels all fear.

You fear what you don't understand, and you can't love what you fear. So in order to love other people, you must seek to understand them.

Who in your life is not like you?

How can you start to understand and show love to this person today?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Who is this Big Franky guy?

About me...

I am a registered republican and have a fairly conservative bent on most social issues. Though I can be considered a bit moderate on some economic issues. Although I am conservative in my general ideology, I try to be respectful of others views and I think that differences should be celebrated... I think the political climate in this country is vehemently divisive...and that is too bad, because in an environment like this people don’t listen to each other, they just talk AT each other (as opposed to talking TO each other)... and nothing ever gets done.

I’m not one of those mindless drones that go into the voting booth and simply vote for the party. I know people that will go down the line and simply vote republican or democrat instead of weighing the issues. I am certainly open to voting for someone like Barack Obama, someone whose ideals are more in line with my own. Someone who could very well be considered a breath of fresh air. Just because he is not aligned with the same political party as me doesn't mean that he can't be a good President, at least in my opinion. I take the candidate’s ideology, morals, and stance on particular issues into consideration. Unfortunately, I think that is not the norm in our country right now. That being said, I do hope that Rudy Giuliani runs for President. That way, if those are the two candidates, I feel that the country is in a win-win situation, since I like both candidates and I can relate to both of them.

I read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand in junior high school. It was fairly definitive in shaping my explicit philosophy, giving coherence to my values and beliefs. Obviously, a lot has happened since then. Though I did spend a good deal of my high school experience immersed in Objectivism and arguing it with people around me...most of whom treated it dismissively. I did become a bit critical of it during undergrad but still MOSTLY accepted the tenets of its philosophy until my early twenties, when I began to find flaws in its treatment of free-will and in the behavior and attitudes of the philosophy's’s major proponents. I considered myself a “small o” objectivist until around 25 when reading several books by Stephen Pinker on evolutionary psychology caused me to reevaluate some of the core tenets and decide that the primary axioms of the system (in my opinion) were flawed.

At that time in my life, I started taking the Bible much more seriously, which also changed my viewpoints on the theory dramatically... anyways, my faith in God never waivered during those weird years of me finding myself, which was a struggle in and of itself to balance the objectivist view without being an atheist. But I never really took the Bible too seriously until my mid 20’s hence the objectivist in me beginning to waiver at that point in my life. Of late, I have been considering hashing out the details of my own perspective with an eye towards formalizing it at some point into a written work. But the realist in me recognizes that this will never happen for 2 reasons: (A) I know that I am way too lazy to ever follow through with such a project; and (B) I'm not an idiot... nobody would care. It is funny though to think that those of us that think we have a lot to say doesn’t necessarily mean that others want to listen!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Is this as funny as I think it is?

Sometimes I feel like this at work:

My Beautiful Family...

Here they are folks, these are the little ones that I live my life for. Even coming from a place that I had always wanted to be a father, becoming a dad has been a far better experience than I ever thought it could be.

Even though everyone tells you how much your life will change when you have kids... it simply doesn't prepare you for the life transformation that it really is. I mean, you truly don't know how much LOVE you are capable of until you have children. And it is a totally different thing than the love I have for my wife... not necessarily in a deeper or more profound way, its just different. It just may be unexplainable... I just thank God every day that He gave me the opportunity to be a parent.

Especially with the partner that I have... my wife is an inspiration and she makes me strive to be a better person on a daily basis. I love to show her off too, so below, please find the only digital picture that I have available right now:

Now Playing on my iPod...

As a testament to the randomness that is in my iPod, the following 21 songs came up in my most recent listening experience, utilizing the shuffle feature:

Song 1: Wish you were Here – Pink Floyd
Song 2: Pretty Vegas – INXS
Song 3: How to Save a Life – The Fray
Song 4: It Is You – Newsboys
Song 5: Battle Flag (Featuring Pigeonhead) – Lo Fidelity Allstars
Song 6: We Belong – Pat Benatar
Song 7: Sweetest Thing – U2
Song 8: Holy Is The Lord – Chris Tomlin
Song 9: Waiting on The World To Change – John Mayer
Song 10: Jane Says – Jane’s Addiction
Song 11: No Woman No Cry – Bob Marley
Song 12: Bring Me To Life – Evanescence
Song 13: The Freshman – The Verve Pipe
Song 14: Give a Little Bit – The Goo Goo Dolls
Song 15: Once Bitten Twice Shy – Great White
Song 16: Imagine – Jordis Unga
Song 17: Follow Through – Gavin DeGraw
Song 18: Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
Song 19: Werewolves of London – Warren Zevon
Song 20: All I Want is You – U2
Song 21: Fool in the Rain - Led Zeppelin

Thursday, January 18, 2007

War on Terror...

Okay, before I continue with this post, let me make it quite clear that I am a registered Republican. I am fairly conservative and, in general, support the President in his endeavors.

That being said.... I feel like it needs to be stated that, at least in my view:

You can't wage war on terror. Terror is a concept. It is a tactic. It is never going away. I don't know if the people who advocate it just don't grasp this or if they have ulterior motives. Politically, it is nice to be able to stir up fear about an "enemy" that doesn't really exist except in the abstract and denigrate those who criticize the effort (or you or your tactics) as supporters of the enemy.

I guess it makes it easy to downplay other failings or problems you have. It is a convenient excuse to remove protections, short-circuit procedures, and institute controls. And military tactics allow a lot more collateral damage than law enforcement. Police can't bomb a neighborhood and kill innocent men, women, and children with incendiary weapons to get drug dealers. Sobering thought about where the "War on Drugs" could go. Which drug-producing country might we invade to put an end to that abstract enemy?

You see, unfortunately, I really am not sure that 9/11 changed anything. I think the threat before and after was the same. The same folks hate us and they use the same tactics which are convenient to their resources and numbers. Once, they pulled off a really elaborate plan. It is sobering, but it doesn't change anything. I am not against an extra effort being used for our country's protection, don't get me wrong, but I am not sure what is needed to combat terrorism (or, more specifically, terrorists) except perhaps in terms of streamlining communication between law enforcement and intelligence agencies and maybe shifting of government priorities a bit. Sweeping new law enforcement powers? Suspension of civil liberties? New categories for prisoners? Why? Nothings changed. It is like a man who lost someone to a car accident demanding draconian new laws on drivers. It is an overreaction and unwarranted. The threat isn't more or less than it was before, he just is more aware of it because it affected him personally. I know that it can be argued that there hasn't been a major successful terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11, so that we must be doing something right.... but is that because of us or is it a function of "them?" Can it be that the "enemy" is so damned incompetent that we look like we are successful in holding them off when they are simply too idiotic to hit us again? Thank God that they are so damned obsessed with attacking us with planes, that is all I have to say.

Please understand, I am not necessarily against the government listening in on my phone calls or reading my mail, as I have absolutely nothing to hide... and quite honestly, I always just assumed that kind of practice was happening... I don't know, maybe I am just too cynical. who knows. But I can't help but think that "it is necessary to stop terrorists" (or, more accurately, "it is convenient to stop terrorists) is enough of an excuse for restricting freedom or setting morality aside or giving up principles. Any more than I would accept "it is necessary to stop murderers" as a rationale to start limiting civil liberties. Morals, principles, and ethics are inconvenient to those trying to get results. This is not a new fact and is exactly why we have principles and rights and procedures, because it sure is easier to catch drug dealers if we don't need warrants to tap phones or search people's property and can hold people indefinitely and use unethical tactics to get information out of them. How much easier is it to label them criminals and then deny them civil rights without needing to prove it first?

People ask about how torturing the "enemy" affects the person getting tortured, but what about the person doing the torturing? Are we, as a society in general, becoming so numb that people debate the use of torture as if it is only about what it does to the enemy... there is a debate about this?!?!? I feel that our own humanity is at stake.

Sure, it is only foreigners now and only "terrorists." Once we accept that, what's the next step? Which abstract concept gets a war next? How much are we willing to sacrifice to irrational fear? Our boys and girls are dying out there in the middle east... and for what? are we accomplishing anything? I mean really accomplishing something? food for thought...

What is This All About?

Well, here I am. This is my first post of what will hopefully become a place of interesting discussion and spirited debate.

I created this at the recommendation of a friend that advised me that I, simply put, have too many opinions and that this could quite possibly be my soapbox to stand on... Personally, I think that he just wanted me out of his hair.

That being said, I must say that I have a lot to talk about... and this very well may be a good venue to express my opinions, thoughts, and beliefs. The thing that is nice about a blog such as this is that no one will ever read it or even care. If I post an opinion that offends you, by all means, please let me know! That way, we can discuss our thoughts and maybe come to a mutual understanding.

Unfortunately, I think that our society in general has come to a place where differences (in opinion) are looked at as if they are dividers, instead of being celebrated. That being said, if a topic comes up on this blog that warrants discussion (or even an argument), lets not look at that as if it is a bad thing.

What to expect... spelling and grammatical errors. I often type in the stream of consciousness, as if I were speaking. So very often, my "I's" wont be capitalized when they should, or there won't be apostrophe's where they should be, etc. etc. If that kind of thing bothers you, then please don't get involved in the discussion. There is nothing more ridiculous than using misspelled words as "ammo" in an argument to discredit someones position. If that is someones stance, in my opinion, than they usually don't have a solid base to stand on. In my eyes, if the point comes across clearly, who cares about spelling? as long as the meaning of the point is clear, that is all that should matter. (and yes, i know that there is a spell checker!)

You can also expect conversation about things that interest me: Politics, Sports, Religion & Spirituality, Movies/the entertainment industry, Conspiracy Theories, current events, etc. If you have something of interest to discuss, by all means...feel free to comment!

Also...I thought that this blog might be a good way to stay in touch with friends and family and let everyone know how we are all doing.

Anyways, thanks for visiting, and I hope you find this site interesting!